This subject was the first 1v02P_1 who later kills SUPER AGENT (was Subject 1v02P_6). Subject14 (Subject 1v02P_1) was captured by the AAHW and became a subject. A spanish looking guy (Luis) gave Subject14 a PPK. Subject14 was very smart and later escaped AAHW and killed so much that they couldn't do anything but die. Later he found Luis again and then went around. Madnesia was lucky because he could of been killed because where Luis and Subject14 was near the shop. By the time Madnesia got knocked out and carried his body to the torture chamber, ATP Engineer went into the shop and 5 seconds later Luis and Subject14 broke into the room. When Madnesia was given new clothes. The man who gave him the new clothes wasa Subject14. Madnesia didn't know he was wanted so much that a person would get paid 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000$ if he was captured. He was so wanted that even ATP Soldats was scared of him. Well ATP Soldats are Top 60-70 in the Top 100 Strongest Madness Characters but still. He couldn't be captured. Anyone stronger then Subject14 he wouldn't attack but after 5 attack you do he dissapears for a moment when he is really on the roof. But by the time you look at the roof he is already in the next room so he is too quick. All of his skills is 30/30 but his dex, that is 100/30 so don't be suprised if you joined the AAHW and you are stronger then him and you can't catch up. He is about 500MPH so don't think the job is easy. The only time you see him around is when you see Luis.